
October 2010 - October 2020

Little did we know when found little Daisy sitting alone and facing the wall at the animal shelter, the impact she would have on our lives! Losing Daisy has been thee hardest thing we have ever had to face and accept. But as we look through the endless pictures of her life over the past 10 years, we find comfort in knowing she lived the greatest life ever!!

Daisy was loved by anyone who saw or knew her. Complete strangers looked adoringly at her on walks or car rides. Upon being told her name, people always responded in the most loving voice, “Daaaaaaaissssyyy”. But, she was loved the MOST by us, her humans, and her best friend Harley. We are beyond thankful to the universe for guiding us to this most precious and special doggie. Daisy was feisty, nurturing, loving, energetic, brave, courageous, and oh so loving! She was soooooo fast and always enjoyed a good chase. Daisy was also a master hunter. She loved playing hide and seek, and stopped at nothing until she found us! She and Harley would chase each other endlessly wherever they were; grassy fields, yards, and through the house! Her zoomies always made us laugh! Daisy also loved searching in bushes for little lizards and whatever else she could find! Daisy’s favorite spot to chill was perched up on top of the couch. She loved blankets, playing in pillows, and napping in forts made out of pillows and blankets. Daisy also looooved sun bathing, She always let us know when she wanted to go out in the backyard to lay in the sun and soak up some vitamin D! Daisy greeted us whenever we returned home with the happiest energy, even if we were gone only for 2 minutes. She would run to grab a toy, jump up and down, and spin in circles. Daisy was not afraid of ANYTHING! Her little 10 pound self would run up on German shepherds, pit bulls, and even horses with ZERO fear, always ready to meet and play! Daisy had so many nicknames…Daisy was affectionately known as Tweetle D, Daisy Girl, DD, Daisy Boo, Little D, Baby Girl, and D to name a few. She knew and responded to them all! We could go on and on about our precious Daisy!…..

Daisy Boo, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for 10 years of your unending love, companionship, and loyalty. Thank you for comforting us in our most stressful and darkest times, Thank you for teaching us to love unconditionally, to go after anything we want no matter how big, to be brave, to stay strong, and to fight to the end. It’s scary imagining life without you, but just know that we will think of you always, and that YOU WILL LIVE FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS!!! We hope you’re in a beautiful place with an unending supply of your favorite treats, big comfy pillows and fluffy blankets, and lots of stuff for you to chase after!

We love you to infinity and beyond little Daisy! Until we meet again…..