2003 - 2016

October 30, 2003 - July 24, 2016
Chihuahua Mix

Loyal and lovingly protective, he was my shadow, my "smaller" half, and my partner in crime. He was curious and smart, and always knew when I needed him.

Special Memory
My friends surprised me with JJ, a birthday gift to help me cope with depression. I was barely 21 years old and remembered how beautiful he was just at 6 weeks. From that day forward, he never left my side and for 13 years, we were inseparable. If love alone could keep him alive, he would have lived forever. He was my son, my rock, my everything. He was there for me when no one else was and always gave me the strength to go on. He filled the void in my heart and taught me unconditional love. He was my best friend and soulmate, and I love him with all my heart. I miss him more everyday, and though it hurts to go on, I count each day that passes, because it's one more day closer to him. #Meet me at the Rainbow bridge.